Saturday, January 31, 2015

Why I Picked Avon

Of course if you are thinking of starting a business like Avon you are probably thinking "can I do it?" Or "is Avon the right company?". I myself had these same questions but I'm going to tell you what made me decide to start selling Avon. My step grandmother was actually a district manager for 35 years with Avon and she did very well, she was able to retire from the company and live well. As a child I can remember a huge Christmas tradition with Avon. I've loved Avon for many years after getting so many chapsticks and toys from Avon. But the funest part about our Avon Christmas was when all the ladies would gather around the kitchen table and wait for my step grandmother to dump a box full of Avon beauty products out. We would all reach across the table like maniacs trying to grab the products we loved before anyone else. Although we don't do this anymore it was one of my all time favorite things to do on Christmas (beside eat and see family lol.) But fast forward to 2014 when I am a new mother who struggles to make gas money and buy diapers. Yup, this is how my life is and I decided to make it better! I had been thinking of joining a company so I can work from home. I looked into companies like nerium ($500 starter kit), initials inc. ($180 starter kit), and even Chloe + Isabel (another 100 and some dollars). What?!? Obviously I want to get into a business to make money because I don't have money! But then one day I saw a post on Facebook about making money from home and when I found out it was selling Avon and it only cost $15, (Yes you read that right!) I immediately took interest! I used the only $15 I had left on my card and purchased my starter kit. It's only been two months since I made that decision and I am so happy I did! Since then I have meet great people who are very supportive and there to answer any questions. I've also earned great incentives just for selling $100 in orders. Oh and side note, there is no minimum amount that you have to have in an order like other companies. I just went to my first meeting where I got a beautiful necklace for being a new representative and the new super extend winged out mascara just for showing up. Now, if you are thinking about starting Avon just do it! There's nothing to loose and you will meet amazing people! Just go online to and use reference code:kimberlystone to be part of our awesome group they seriously are amazing! Remember when you work with Avon you work for yourself but never by yourself!


  1. This is so true Kimberly. This was the best $15 I ever spent. I run my business as much as I want and I am doing very well at it. If your not afraid to work your business you will succeed. For me failure is not an option. I am going all the way with Avon. I know you will succeed. Great job on the blog.

    1. Thanks Pam! I'm so glad I saw your post that day!
