Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fight zika virus with skin so soft bug guard

I'm so jealous of my parents they just got back from a fabulous cruise to the beautiful Dominican Republic for their 25th wedding anniversary. They wanted to have some sunscreen with them since they would be in the tropical sun for a week but they were also worried about the zika virus that is going around. Since they have been using Avon for years they already knew what to take, bug guard.

Now, many people probably wonder if skin so soft can protect against the zika virus. The best way to avoid getting the virus is by avoiding getting bitten by mosquitoes. Avon's bug guard products are U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered and repel mosquitos up to 8 hours.

Oh and my parents review, well they said they never got bitten.

To order your own Bug Guard products click here! 

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