Tuesday, December 8, 2015

reach for president's club starting in C1

So we are about to kick off the new Avon selling cycle with campaign 1 and it is the time where every rep should be thinking about their personal goals for the year! If you didn't already know you must hit your goals every year to maintain your title. With my first year selling Avon I wasn't really aware of how great these titles were and I didn't understand what I needed to do in order to achieve them, however we are all starting off with a fresh start come campaign 1. So I have broken down what I need to do in order to reach my goal of hitting president's club this time next year and I'm ready to share it with all of you!

In order to reach president club $10,000

26 Campaigns = $385 each campaign

  • Order 100 books for $23
  • Only need $362 from customers
  • 10 customers with $36

Don’t forget shipping counts!

Had a rough campaign? Avon offers Double/ Triple dollar in some campaign

I hope you all found this helpful and it gives you the confident to reach for your own goals because it can be done!
Not an Avon rep yet? what are you waiting for? It's only $15 to grow your own business! Visit startavon.com and use reference code: kimberlystone

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