Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Little Avon Throwback Thursday!

So I was just thinking about the fact that in high school when my mom sold Avon that was pretty much the only makeup that I wore, and then I realized today is Thursday and why not share a throwback Thursday photo? So here's my senior prom picture from 2010! I was wearing the smooth minerals foundation in the shade medium beige (back when I was tan) , I was also wearing the super shock max waterproof mascara, the glimmerstick eyeliner (can't remember which color I picked) and I believe the eye shadow was the luxe lace collection in a natural shade which I still have and still use almost every time I do my makeup (it's lasted a long time!) I was even wearing the Zoe Saldana perfume called eternal magic and I still have the body lotion which smells amazing! But enough rambling here is my throwback Thursday picture!

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