Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to make an Avon display board

ok so I feel really bad that I didn't take a picture of my cute table I had set up at my avon party. I was so busy trying to get everything set up and going and plus I was running behind. For my table I just brought a pink table cloth from the dollar tree and set up my poster board, books, products, and cookies on the table. I also used a string of white Christmas lights that I intertwined around everything and in the middle I had a cute little flower and heart bouquet since it was valentine day theme. I really wished I had remembered to take a picture! But this post isn't to much about my set up as it is about what to put on your poster board when trying to make a display. I searched all over youtube and google looking for ideas so I would know what to put on my board and found absolutely nothing! I was so clueless but I just winged it and I think it turned out pretty good. which is why I'm making this post to try and help anyone else that needs help with making a display board for their Avon business. I got my 3 panel poster board from the dollar tree and I used some poster board letters to spell out Avon in the middle and on the sides I went with sell and Mark. I thought this was a good way to give information about avon and how to get started selling avon, also since most of my friends are in the younger generation I wanted to add in information about Mark. to target towards them. Then I used some decorative scrapbook cards that were in the set I'm using for my son's scrapbook so I could add color and not have to spend a lot of money. On each little card I just added info about each topic.
And I know this may be an "Avon sin" but since I didn't have a printer and the local library only prints black and white I decided to cut pictures out of my old books. I mean I did pay for these books and I'm still using it for my business so why not. I added a picture to show off the new Fergie fragrances, and since I added info about how Avon loves to bring awareness about problems going on in the world I added a picture of the Avon empowerment charm necklace and also of Lucy Hale showing off the mighty pretty M. powerment bracelet. I decided to make a dotted line to connect the pictures to the information cards.
I also added a big $15 for the starter kit and added how you can find great video tutorials on how to do your makeup on the Mark. website.
I am pretty satisfied with how it turned out and I even got some good orders. I hope this blog helped you if you are trying to make a display board and the best part is you can reuse it for awhile depending on the pictures you put on it and how long Avon keeps that product.

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